jeudi 28 mars 2013

tableau plus

tableau plus

6 – 8pm Wednesday 24 April 2013

Philip Armstrong, Mick Finch, Stephen Melville, Michael Newman
in conversation about the tableau concept and the tableau project’s

next phase at Central Saint Martins, Kings Cross.
King's Cross campus
Granary Building,
1 Granary Square,
London, N1C 4AA

organised by the CSM Tableau Research Group

places are free but booking is essential
book a place by clicking ‘register’ at:
please arrive by 6pm

more information about the Tableau Project can be found at:
more information about the CSM Tableau Research Group can be found at:

“The group addresses questions of image that extend beyond established research about specific mediums - painting, photography and print media etc.
The open conceptual nature of the tableau form facilitates the research activities of the group looking to contextualise pictorial questions such as the situated image and where ideas of the picture, depiction, the screen and the mechanisms of the support transform conversations about mediums.
The tableau concept opens out onto architectural contexts of the image, questions of collage, rhetoric, embodied encounter, modes of address, materiality and economies of the image.”

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