mardi 7 février 2012

Conference Artistic Research Catalogue (ARC)

Conference Artistic Research Catalogue (ARC)
1 – 2 March 2012
The Hague
Royal Academy of Art (KABK)
Prinsessegracht 4
2514 AN Den Haag,
The Netherlands
The Artistic Research Catalogue project, led by Henk Borgdorff (researcher at the University of the Arts, The Hague) and Michael Schwab (Editor in chief Journal for Artistic Research), was awarded with a two-year subsidy by the SIA RAAK-International programme in March 2010. With nineteen national and international partners, the ARC project enables the creation of an independently functioning and digital platform for the documentation, exposition and distribution of research in the arts worldwide.
For more information about the RC please visit:

On 1-2 March 2012 the Research Catalogue will be launched at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague.
To attend, please RSVP before 15 February 2012 to:
Limited places are available.

Thursday, 1 March 2012
09:05 Introduction - Henk Borgdorff (Gothenburg/The Hague) and Michael Schwab (London)
09:30 Presentations 1 (chair: Ruth Benschop, Maastricht)
11:30 Introducing the Rersearch Catalogue - Michael Schwab
12:00 Exposition writing - Barnaby Drabble (Zürich)
13:30 Presentations 2 (chair: Ruth Benschop)
15:30 The Research Catalogue and its Contexts - Henk Borgdorff
16:30 Panel with expert speaker - Lucy Cotter (The Hague), Catharina Dyrssen (Gothenburg), Katy MacLeod (Kingston), Ruth Sonderegger (Vienna), Jack Spaapen (Amsterdam, tbc), Paul Wouters (Leiden, tbc), Robin Nelson (London, tbc)
17:45 Book launch: Intellectual Birdhouse – Art Practice as Research - Florian Dombois and Michael Schwab

Friday, 2 March 2012
09:30 The Research Catalogue as E-publication - Binke van Kerkhoven (Brussels), Jan Kenter (Karlsruhe) and Michael Schwab
11:30 Keynote address: Catharina Dyrssen, Chalmer University of Technology, Gothenburg
13:30 Presentations 3 (chair: Ruth Benschop)
15:30 Panel with stakeholders - Florian Dombois (Zürich), Sher Doruff (Master Choreography, Amsterdam), Julian Klein (Journal for Artistic Research), Anna Lindal (Society for Artistic Research), Peter Peters (Zuyd University), Steven Ten Thije (Van Abbemuseum), Michel van Dartel (V2 Rotterdam) and Walter Ysebaert (Free University, Brussels).

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